I love to learn with this site – CodeWars!
I was learning today with this kata
In short You have to check if square of number is automorphic or not! For example:
25 squared is 625 , Ends with the same number’s digits which are 25 . – its automorphic. 13 squared is 169 , Not ending with the same number’s digits which are 69 .- it
s not.
So my code of this kata is:
int squer = number * number;
String squerString = squer + „”;
String numberString = number + „”;
if (squerString.length() / numberString.length() == 2) {
squerString = squerString.substring(numberString.length());
} else {
squerString = squerString.substring(numberString.length() – 1);
if (squerString.equals(number + „”)) {
return „Automorphic”;
return „Not!!”;
For beginner I think it`s ok but as always I could write it better. I could write like this:
String squerString = number * number + „”;
String numberString = number + „”;
if (squerString.length() / numberString.length() == 2) {
squerString = squerString.substring(numberString.length());
} else {
squerString = squerString.substring(numberString.length() – 1);
return squerString.equals(number + „”)?”Automorphic” : „Not!”;
BUT 1 !
After You accomplished Your kata You can check how other devs resolved this kata. I am learning by reading and checking this awesome codes. I think this is the best part of learning with CodeWars. So know I learned that I could write kata like this (I write it myself after check others solutions):
public static String autoMorphic(int number) {
String squerString = number * number + "";
String numberString = number + "";
return squerString.endsWith(numberString) ? "Automorphic" : "Not!";
Three line of code!
Brilliant! Astonishing. I love to check how others writes. I think most efficient method to learn. You are writing code them check how You could write it better. I recommend CodeWars!
BUT 2 !
You can write it in one 😀
public static String autoMorphic(int number) {
return („” + (number * number)).endsWith(„” + number) ? „Automorphic” : „Not!!”;
Tada! No words. This is fantastic!