I was searching what experienced devs are saying how to learn programing? Most of them I think 90% are convinced that best practice is to write code. Every time they says like mantra. Write code write code write code. So I am doing it. I am writing code.
In my last post I write about adventcode. I didn`t end it. It was to difficult to me. So I started exercises some easier thing.
First I write code in: https://codingbat.com/java There are many basic exercises so-called: warmups. Some of them are tricky some of them very easy. I bored very fast.
So I`v tried this: https://www.codewars.com This was accurate shot! Exercises are called Katas – from karate. You are starting with 8 KYU – the smallest degree in karate. Exercises difficulty level are devided by KYUs. You can choose what Kata you want to resolve. Even You can start 3KYU kata if You feel you can resolve it. I prefer this page to practice. After complete Kata there are solutions another Users. This is marvelous solution to learn and get know how another devs are writing code. Very useful I love that! I can learn much more. I recommend this site.
You can check my profile here: https://www.codewars.com/users/10bashi
Third site which I use is: http://stackoverflow.com Yes google for programmers. Here there is everything You have to know about programming. Many solutions, examples, comments, and much more code! Very useful site.
Last but not least: https://google.com I think this site do have to be comment.
I really really recommend Codewars and Stackoverflow.
Now I`m going back to write code and learn. Thanks for steping by!